Best Photo Editing App For Android-Pixelstyle

Best Photo Editing App For Android

PixelStyle Photo Editor


If you are engaged in picture retouching or painting without color correction, I would recommend using this particular photo edit app. In Pixelstyle, the toolkit and the style are very similar to Paint.NET, as it focuses more on drawing and offers a set of brushes and other relevant tools that work very well.

There also many useful tools provided for retouching. Be ready for the quest when you want to do color correction - these functions were hidden by developers deep among the rest of the settings.

The main drawback of these functions is the lack of a real-time preview with the slider movement. You will have to wait a couple of seconds while the change is processed and applied.

Together with the high sensitivity of all settings, the picture processing turns into a series of irritable clicks on Cmd + Z to cancel actions. Still, unlike similar editors, it supports RAW images processing, though not in the fastest way.

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